
Writing a Bluetooth mobile app with Flutter

This year I’ve built a mobile app that connects to Urban Native’s product, the T9, a high-end electric scooter made entirely of titanium.

Initially, my role was to develop an internal mobile app for the team’s electrical engineer so he could consult data the scooter would emit periodically via Bluetooth, such as battery level, current speed, motor temperature, and more. Then we decided to transform the app into a consumer-facing app, to offer more possibilities to the consumers, such as fine-tuning their device’s settings and consulting battery consumption reports, and in the future, lock their devices securely with a password.

The first screen lets you to select your device, the second is a main page with a picture of the scooter and some info such as battery level. The scooter fades in the background as you scroll down to select a page. For the speed limiter, I reproduced the retro LED screen’s grid, to create a visual connection between the app and the physical device.

Here's the app.

While Flutter and Dart were easy and fun to use, there were definitely some setbacks along the way.

All in all, it was a fun journey and I’m happy with how the app ended up. If you are interested, you can check out the brand’s instagram page.