06/09/2024 — modified on 15/09/2024

Getting certified in web accessibility

Accessibility is an important consideration whenever you’re building an application, so in my quest to become a better software developer I thought I’d get a bit more educated about it!

But where do we start? There’s a standard out there called WCAG. There’s also the word ARIA thrown around sometimes. So let’s start by googling that.

Quick research

I was quickly met with a soup of acronyms. Let’s do a recap:

Recommended introductory pages:

Finding a course

I was sure that W3C and MDN would be good sources on the topic. But what I’d like is to get some kind of a certification to have something to show for my work.

Lo and behold, there is this page that lists WAI courses. There’s even a course on building your own WAI course — this is meta!

No time to loose, so I went for the course by W3C. It comes with an optional certificate which is exactly what I was looking for.

This is actually an edX course, mind you, so let’s recover the password from our dusty account and let’s go!

A few hours later — did I learn anything?

Although I was expceting something a bit more technical (it was meant for a very broad audience), I actually learned quite a bit during this course.

Some examples:

Should you do the same?

I don’t really know what good will come of this yet, but I doubt this formation will really impress any potential employer (if that’s your objective). I think many people get certified out of a requirement from their employer / industry.

However, if you are interested and have the time for it, then just go for it!

Further reading